Donetsʹkyy Akademichnyy Derzhavnyy Teatr Opery Ta Baletu Imeni Anatoliya Solov'yanenka (Donetsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre) - named after A. Solovyanenko - was established in 1932 in Lugansk on the basis of fit-up theatre of Right-bank Ukraine. Since 15 March 1932 the theatre was transferred to Donetsk theatre group. The first season opened on September 1, 1932 with opera Prince Igor composed by Alexander Borodin. On April 12, 1941, the Theatre opened the season in the new theater building by premiere of Mikhail Glinka's Ivan Susanin. On August 7, same year, the premiere of the first ballet performance Laurencia by Alexander Crain was held. After the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War part of the company was evacuated to Kirghizia, later, in June 1942, the theater moved to Przhevalsk city, where actors held concerts in hospitals and military units. In January 1944 the theater returned to Stalino and already in September, right after the liberation of the Donets Basin a premiere of Alexander Borodin's Prince Igor took place.
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Bundesarchiv Bild 169-0120
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