Benito Mussolini, Italian dictator and leader of the National Fascist Party (29 July 1883 - 28 April 1945) - 'L'homme d'Etat' (The Statesman). From 'Signal', December 1940, French language news magazine published by the Nazis. Original caption: "Avec un calme parfait et un sureté de vues qui ne l'abandonment jamais, sachent constamment attendre l'heure exacte ou il agira, et animé d'un ardent amour pour son peiple, le Duce préside avec une calirvoyance géniale aux destinées de son pays" (With a perfect calm and a certainty of views which never abandon him, knowing how to constantly wait for the exact hour when he will act, and animated by an ardent love for his people, the Duce presides with a brilliant clairvoyance over the destinies of his country).
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