Monday, May 16, 2016

Adolf Hitler on a Ride Through Münich

People enthusiastically greet Hitler on a ride through Münich in a Mercedes-Benz 770 open car, 1942. Standing in the back seat is his personal Adjutant, SS-Untersturmführer Otto Günsche. The picture was taken by Walter Frentz, one of Hitler's personal photographer. On 8 November 1942 - the eve of the anniversary of the 1923 Nazi Putsch - Hitler addresses his party members in Münich. He repeatedly declared that Germany would make no more offers of peace. He dismissed the North African campaign in a few words, but devoted much time to justifying his troops' lack of progress in Russia. In his concluding words he begged his audience to make their every deed and thought a prayer "for our Germany". The quotations are taken from the speech: "People say it is a strategic blunder that the Germans have gone to Stalingrad. Just let us wait and see whether that was a strategic blunder..."

Source :|+Search%3A+otto+g%C3%BCnsche&qwAction=searchQueryWord&viewMode=tile

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